
Our Vision and Ethos

At Brampton Village Primary every child matters and each individual is valued for the unique contribution he or she makes to our community. We expect everyone to show respect for others, to be courteous, responsible and caring, and we actively foster such behaviours.

Our aim is to create an environment which promotes children’s self-esteem, to make our school a place where pupils feel happy, safe and able to enjoy learning.

We strive to provide a learning climate in which children can flourish and achieve their very best, where they can celebrate their differences and develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to build happy and successful futures.

We aim to:

  • Create a nurturing environment which supports the well-being of every pupil and enables children to be healthy, emotionally literate and able to maintain positive and fulfilling relationships.
  • Provide exciting, engaging and creative learning experiences, which enable all children to become active, independent and effective learners who achieve their very best.
  • Develop pupils’ understanding of their responsibilities as members of a community, encouraging a positive, respectful and caring attitude towards others & the environment.
  • Enable all our children to become enquiring, responsible, resourceful and reflective young people, ready to face the future with confidence and to challenge themselves.
  • Foster strong partnerships with parents and carers, valuing the contributions they have to make, encouraging their active involvement in children’s learning and developing a relationship based on mutual trust.
  • Put the school at the heart of the local community, so that both school and village are enriched, and enable children to appreciate aspects of the wider world


By working closely with parents and the community we aim to build strong and effective partnerships, which help children to thrive.