Brambles Pre-School serves the community of Brampton, and currently offers 32 places, during school hours (9 am-3 pm) and term time only. The sessions available are Morning: 9 am to 12 noon, Afternoon: 12 noon to 3pm, or Full day 9 am to 3 pm. The afternoon session will include lunch.
The Governors of Brampton Village Primary School are the managing body of the Pre-School and are responsible for admissions. Children may join Brambles from when they qualify for Early Years funding (the term after their third birthday). Priority will be given to children in their pre-school year i.e. those who are 3 years old on the first day of the academic year and who will be applying to join the school’s Reception class in the following September. The Governors currently have no plans to offer places to children aged 2 or younger.
Applying for a place
Parents may complete an “Expression of interest” form, which will add them to our mailing list. This form is available to download from the school website. It does not constitute application for a place. Completion of an expression of interest form is not a prerequisite for an application for a preschool place.
When the application round begins, we will contact those for whom we hold an expression of interest and invite them to apply for a place using our session request form. This is used to establish which sessions parents need during the academic year starting from the following September. This form is available from the school website for those who have not already submitted an expression of interest.
The deadline for submitting the session request form for the 2025/26 academic year is 12 noon on Friday 25 April 2025.
Any replies or new requests received after this date will be late applications and will not be considered until applications received by the deadline have been dealt with.
How places will be allocated
If the number of applications received is equal to or less than the number of places available, then all applicants will be offered a place. No places will be offered for less than 12 hours each week.
If the school receives more applications for children to join Brambles than it has places available, then places will be allocated according to the following oversubscription criteria:
Priority 1: Children in their pre-school year i.e. aged 3 years old on or before 31st August 2025:
- who live in Brampton and have a sibling at Brampton Village Primary School, requesting 15 to 30 hours per week
- who live in Brampton, requesting 15 to 30 hours per week
- who live outside Brampton, but who have a sibling at Brampton Village Primary School, requesting 15 to 30 hours per week
- who live outside Brampton, requesting 15-30 hours per week
- who live in Brampton and have a sibling at Brampton Village Primary School, requesting 12 hours per week
- who live in Brampton, requesting 12 hours per week
- who live outside Brampton, but who have a sibling at Brampton Village Primary School, requesting 12 hours per week
- who live outside Brampton, requesting 12 hours per week
Priority 2: Children with their third birthday between 1 September 2025 and 31 August 2026:
i. who live in Brampton and have a sibling at Brampton Village Primary School, requesting 15 to 30 hours per week
ii. who live in Brampton, requesting 15 to 30 hours per week
iii. who live outside Brampton, but who have a sibling at Brampton Village Primary School, requesting 15 to 30 hours per week
iv. who live in Brampton and have a sibling at Brampton Village Primary School, requesting 12 hours per week
v. who live in Brampton, requesting 12 hours per week
vi. who live outside Brampton, but who have a sibling at Brampton Village Primary School, requesting 12 hours per week
vii. who live outside Brampton, requesting 12 hours per week
Where the number of applicants in priority 1 exceeds the number of available places, then distance of the home address from the school will determine which application will rank higher. Where the number of applicants in priority 2 exceeds the number of available places, then the birthday of the child will be used to determine ranking, eldest child(ren) first.
Please note that no preference is given to applicants based on the number of hours requested over 15 per week. The setting is open to children with special educational needs, but these must be disclosed upon application, as we have to abide by strict ratios and have a limited number of staff. No distinction is made between those who will be paying for care and those for whom the hours requested are funded.
The offer of a place for/from September 2025 will be made on 2 May 2025. Parents must formally accept the offer before 12 noon on 16 May 2025. Should the place not be accepted in writing by parent(s) before this date, then it will be assumed that the place is no longer required and it will be offered to another applicant.
Parent/Carer declaration forms, acceptance of Brambles terms and conditions and application forms must be returned to the preschool by noon on 23 May 2025.
The Governors reserve the right to withdraw and/or withhold places and also to refuse admission in exceptional circumstances as they are responsible for the efficient use of resources and education of all children who attend the setting. As the preschool has to abide by strict ratios, there is no process for appeals as we are unable to accommodate additional children.
Please note that, whilst the governors of Brampton Village Primary School are the admissions authority for Brambles Pre-school, Cambridgeshire County Council is the admissions authority for the primary school. Consequently, if your child attends Brambles Pre-School, this does not mean that your child will automatically secure a place at Brampton Village Primary School. You will need to apply for a school place through the local authority as part of their normal application round.